Frequently Asked Questions

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  • For dogs we recommend every 6 to 8 weeks.

    Cats require nail trims once per month, and grooming varies depending on the breed - call us and we’ll help make a recommendation.

    Bunnies require a nail trim once per month, and grooming every 6 months.

    In all cases, the ideal time depends on the length and condition of your pet’s coat.

  • Yes, all breeds welcome, though the services may vary depending on the pet’s temperament and coat condition.

  • It varies depending on your pet’s breed, length and condition of their coat. Every pet has a differet type of hair that requires a unique touch.

    When in doubt, give us a call and we can make a recommendation.

  • Professional grooming ensures safety, expertise and the highest quality of care.

  • While nail trimming seems harmless, it can cause great harm to your pet if done incorrectly. It’s best left to professionals for safety.

  • We use natural, hypoallergenic products and gentle techniques.


  • Dogs: typically every 6-8 weeks; Cats: typically every 2 months, though it depends on the breed - give us a call and we can make a recommendation.

  • We use natural, hypoallergenic and pet-safe products.

  • Yes, we offer specialized treatments to help get the smell out.

  • Yes, for all pets as needed.

  • Our expert team will happily consult with you on the best ways to acclimatize your pet.

Dog Walking

  • Rain, snow or shine, we will typically walk dogs outdoors. We will shorten walks, or make indoor alternatives for severe weather events.

  • Walks range from as little as 15 minutes, to an hour. We also offer all-day adventures that include several walks throughout the day.

  • Yes, we can absolutely do private 1:1 walks with your dog.

  • We will typically group dogs by size and temperament.

  • We can do private 1:1 walks with your dog if they don’t do well in packs.


  • An initial consultation by our team is required, along with a completed intake form. Male dogs older than 1 year must be neutered and female dogs in heat cannot be brought in.

  • We typically group pets by their personalities. High energy dogs, for example, will get the opportunity to burn off some energy with other dogs who love running around. While quieter dogs wil typically relax along with the other mellow dogs.

  • Plenty of playtime indoors, leashed walks and/or time at an off-leash park, as well as rest time.

  • We can’t allow you into the daycare area of our store, but will happily provide photo or video updates as requested.

  • Our team is trained in animal behaviour management and will provide extra attention, or separation accommodations. For dogs that are too unwell to remain at daycare, we’ll call you for pickup.

Overnight Stays

  • We provide a comfortable, secure accommodation inside our Founder’s home.

  • Yes, the Founder is always close to your pet.

  • You should bring food and treats that your pet loves, and you can also bring bedding or their favourite toys.

  • We give a little extra attention to pet that are having a hard time, to ensure their comfort.

Health & Safety

  • Yes, up-to-date vaccinations are required.

  • We have a daily cleaning routine with pet-safe disinfectants.

  • We have documented emergency plans for a variety of scenarios, and are within quick access to a veterinarian as needed.

  • We will happily accommodate pets with special medical needs according to the care instructions you provide us.

Behavioural Concerns

  • We provide a little extra attention and care as needed, calming techniques and gradual exposure.

  • Our staff are Certified in Animal Behaviour and animal First Aid

  • While we can help some animals adjust their behaviour in our care, we don’t offer formal dog training at this time.

  • Our team will consult with you on the best course of action. We can offer some private 1:1 accommodations if needed.

Booking & Policies

  • Appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and typically book more than a week in advance. That said, you can always contact us to inquire about last minute accommodations.

  • We require a minimum of 24-hours notice for cancellations.

  • While we don’t discount our services overall, we do offer monthly packages for daycare.

  • We accept cash, debit or credit.